Audoise de
Une autre façon d'aborder vos problèmes ...
Another way to approach your issues ...
We provide 2 types of offers according to your needs:
Lump sum offer
based on 5 service products for which we control the duration and delivery of the service.
Customized offer
for which we define together the scope of the service, its duration and its mode of execution.
Lump sum offer
Long-term trip: For the mission preparation of your employees far from their bases, out of their comfort zone.
Scheduled shutdown Preparation: In anticipation, the scheduling and material, technical and human organization of your scheduled installation shutdowns.
Documentation databases building: The documentation databases building for your site execution or the modeling of your processes before certification.
General technical audit: Overall evaluation of your industrial processes and their operation.
Technical hazard assessment: first-level analysis of technical or operational hazards for the implementation of corrective actions.
Feel free to contact us
Customized offer
Following one or more interviews, we define a technical description of service product , jointly validated and used as master up to completion.
We can also work on the basis of existing service specifications.
Feel free to contact us